Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a listing of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Chick-fil-A 10K/5K. If you see a question that you would like the answer to, simply click on the question and the answer will be revealed.
The event will be held at the Mariners' Museum, in Newport News.
Participants will park in one of two locations, the Ferguson Center Parking Garage or on the Riverside Regional Medical Center Campus. You will receive a parking pass to one of these two locations when you pick up your bib.
It is EXTREMELY important that you park in the area that you are designated to park. We have limited space at each site, and have planned for that by printing an appropriate amount of passes for each.
Those parking at the Ferguson Center Garage will walk over to the museum as in past years.
Those parking at Riverside will have shuttles available to drop them off and return them to their vehicles after the race. The shuttles will start at 6:30AM and run until 8:00AM. IF YOU ARE ASKED TO PARK HERE, PLEASE PLAN TO ARRIVE EARLY FOR THE SHUTTLES. We want to avoid everyone showing up at 8AM and overloading the shuttle program.
There is no runner parking at the Mariners' Museum. Handicapped parking is available at the museum, but you must have a valid handicapped parking pass to gain access.
7:40AM Warm-up fun begins
8:00AM Running of the Chick-fil-A Cows
8:30AM Chick-fil-A 10K
8:45AM Chick-fil-A 5K
8:30AM Family Festival begins
10:00AM Awards Ceremony
- Short sleeve shirt (for 10K & 5K)
- Free Chick-fil-A sandwich and other goodies at the finish
- Custom finisher medals for 10K, 5K and Running of the Cows Fun Run
-All participants and their guests can enjoy the Family Fun Zone at the post-race party!
Both the 5K and 10K are out and back routes through the Mariners' Museum Park. The 10K includes some additional stretches along Boundary Road and parts of Museum Parkway. Both routes are very pleasant with picturesque views of the James River along the way. The Running of the Chick-fil-A Cows Family Fun Run is a flat half mile.
Definitely for the 5K! We will decide on corrals for the 10K closer to the event. When you register, you will enter your average 1 mile time to place you in the appropriate corral. Those running with strollers and walking are encouraged to start in the back of your assigned corral.
Yes! All of our races are timed using MyLaps RFID bib tag technology. This tag is attached to your bib and records your time when you cross the Start/Finish line.
Those running with strollers and walking are encouraged to start in the back of your assigned corral. We ask that you take extra precaution for your safety, your child's safety and for the safety of the runners around you.
Wheelchair/hand-cyclists/duo teams will be allowed on a limited basis. Please contact us if you will be participating as a wheelchair/hand-cycle/duo team.
Pets, bicycles, skateboards, in-line skates, etc., are NOT permitted in the races.
Walkers are welcome in all the races. However, there are no awards categories for walkers.
You may register for the Chick-fil-A 5K, 10K, or the Running of the Chick-fil-A Cows here
Unfortunately, we are not able to offer refunds for any reason whatsoever.
If you would like to defer or change your race registration, there is a $20 fee for either race, along with any race fee increase difference. Transferring of bibs from one runner to another is not permitted. Please login to your RunSignUp account to do so. The last day to defer your 2025 registration is May 16, 2025.
Please note - you can only defer your race registration once. For example, if you defer in 2022 to 2023, you cannot defer again in 2023 to 2024.
While we strongly encourage you to pre-register on line. If the race is NOT sold out, race day registration will begin at 6:30AM at the runner resolution tent located on the event field. We will be expecting a heavy crowd that morning, and online registration will allow you to skip the lines. Race day registration will close at 8:15AM.
Participants must pick up their packets in person at one of the scheduled packet pick-up locations. Race packets not picked up by the participant prior to race day will not be mailed once the race date has passed. Unclaimed t-shirts will be placed back into inventory and made available for runners to exchange sizes at the post race celebration, and sizes are not guaranteed.
Yes, credit cards may be used for online and walk-up registration. We also accept cash and checks on race day.
For the 5K and 10K, non-monetary awards will be given to the top three overall male and female runners; and the top three overall male and female runners in each age group: 10 and under, 11-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 and over.
Running of the Chick-fil-A Cows Family Fun Run: There are no age group categories, and the run is not timed. Registered participants in the Running of the Chick-fil-A Cows will receive a finisher's medal at the finish line.
There are no minimum or maximum age restrictions on either event.
Pre-registered runners must pickup their packets before race day. Race packets will be available at both locations, feel free to come to whichever location is most convenient for you.
3PM-7PM at Point 2 Running Company at Greenbrier, 741 Eden Way N., STE 310, Chesapeake, VA 23320
10AM-7PM at Point 2 Running Company at Tech Center, 12080 Jefferson Ave., STE 910, Newport News, VA 23606
There is NO race day packet pickup.
If you are picking up a race packet for another person, you must bring the authorization form with you to packet pick-up.
Authorization Form
Bottled water, fruit, and healthy snacks will be provided to all participants. All 5K and 10K finishers will receive a Chick-fil-A food item as well.
Yes. The Family Fun Zone will feature crafts, games, face painting and more for the entire family to enjoy.
No! Please do not leave young children unattended during the 5K/10K. Also, please arrange a place to meet your kids after the Fun Run--we don't want any lost runners!
Yes, there is gear check! We will provide you with a clear bag to check your gear. All runners have to use the clear bags. No other bags will be accepted due to safety reasons. We will put your belongings in a bag, write your Bib # on the bag, and keep it secured for you during the race. This is for simple items like keys and sunglasses. Please do not plan to leave high-value items with the gear check.
Yes, there are two water stations on the 10K and one on the 5K. Water will also be provided at the finish line.
Parents may choose to run with their child (free of charge) if he or she needs help staying on course or is under 4 years old. Otherwise, we encourage you to stay at the start / finish line area to get great pictures!
Certainly! The fun run will be completed a few minutes before the 5K and 10K starts.
Pets are NOT allowed on the race course or post-race field for the safety of race participants, spectators and the animals.
However, service animals as recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are permitted on course. Should you decide to run the race with a service animal, please email us at raceteam@flatoutevents.com. Runners with ADA service animals will be placed in the last corral behind individual runners for safety purposes.